I'm a very honest person. Perhaps too honest...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

La la la PACKING...

And suddenly I'm FREE!!

It's an odd sensation the opposing emotions that come with packing for a big move. You are at once excited about the prospects of a new place, but saddened when you think of all that will be left behind. Especially friends.

But the thing that is striking me the most this weekend as I prepare for the westward move all the way across the country to California (!) is that as I work to shed at least 60% of my belongings, I'm at first overwhelmed and upset at all the things that I should leave behind. But, then, I reorganize my thoughts. I think about the possible uses someone else might get from that stuffed animal/book/picture frame/shirt/CD/pot/pan and I am excited for my belonging's new adventure that lies ahead. And, you know what, once I say "goodbye" it's such a FREEING feeling!

I mean, that's less weight I'm carrying around. The next time I move, I won't have to ponder whether or not to take that sentimental-yet-lives-in-a-box-stuffed-animal. I can remember the person who gave it to me, and when I run across a photo of me with that little stuffed lion, I can smile with fond memories, in a much lighter form. Really, how often do we sit down with our "stuff" and re-live memories in the course of our life time? Probably as often as we move, unless we are looking at pictures or the item(s) is out on display. So, my new rule is - if it's not functioning regularly or it's lived in a box since the last move...it's out the door.

Think of all the room I have for new stuff now!!! ;-)

(Okay, I admit...I'm stilling storing some sentimental items. I'm not that strong-willed! But I'm trying to scan most of the written goods! It's the hand-crafted items that are too good to part with, but too bulky to move across the nation!)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why February is AWESOME!

For starter's - it's a short month. Which makes it different.

And we all learned in elementary that the things that make us different make us special.
Or as it is in high school = Different is cool.

Also, if you get paid on a monthly basis - in February, you get paid more for each day you worked! (Unfortunately, this also means your landlord just scored off your monthly rent!)

Okay, let's get to the main reason that I love February so much...

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! Woo-hoo!!! Let's celebrate!

And what better way to celebrate than with friends.

My friend Curtis Z. celebrates his birthday on what else? Valentine's Day! Another great thing about February! It promotes LOVE. And, no, you Negative Nancys out there, you cynics. It doesn't have to be about ROMANTIC LOVE. It can be about the love for your FAMILY, the love for your TEACHERS and MENTORS in life, or the love of your wonderful FRIENDS!

More friends' birthdays this month:

Madison on the 4th
Dave S. on the 15th
Kevin H. on the 21st
Amanda A. on the 22nd
Andrea C. on the 28th
Aunt Connie on the 28th

My friend since 3rd grade, Kellie C. celebrates her birthday on February 22nd. Mine is on the 24th. It has been a long time joke between the two of us that either I'm "too young" to understand or she is "older and therefore wiser" or, now that we are past our teens (when it is cool to be older), I get to make fun of her for how "OLD" she is for two days before she can turn the insults and harassment back around on me. Another reason this two day difference contributes to the greatness of February is that - every February, Kellie & I reconnect. No matter where we are or how far we've traveled, we know that in February we will catch up with one another. In fact, once Kellie dropped her phone in water and couldn't retrieve her old phone numbers. So, she bought a new phone and kept the old one until February - when she knew I would call, and she could up date me with her new information - including new phone number! Ah, February - the glue between friends.

February also marks the birth of my first nephew, Aidan!!! Who just turned four this month! Yippie!

On a national level, February is Black History Month and International Friendship month! Now, go on, if you don't already have one...go and find yourself a friend to celebrate. If s/he's black, you get bonus points!

Groundhog Day (February 2nd)! Who doesn't love a day that sits around waiting for a groundhog's shadow? I mean, that's just pure entertainment! And the movie isn't so bad, either.

For you football fans, February often hosts the SUPER BOWL!

PRESIDENT'S DAY is observed on the third Monday of the month. HOLIDAY! Any month with a nationally observed day off is an exceptional month!

I could go on and on and on.

World Marriage Day - the second Sunday in February.
Lincoln's birthday - February 12th.
George Washington's birthday - February 22nd. (The same as Kevin H. and Kellie C. Boy, I have brilliant friends!)
Susan B. Anthony's birthday - February 12th.
Thomas Edison's - February 11th.

BOY SCOUT DAY is February 8th!!!!

I mean, doesn't get any better than this!! February is FULL of love and kindness and celebration and smart people's birthdays and it's just AWESOME!!! And it flies by in a hurry...so get out there and APPRECIATE IT!

I love you, my friend!

xoxo And I'm in love with February! xoxo