I'm a very honest person. Perhaps too honest...

Monday, August 28, 2006

The sky has opened

Some of you may wonder...what next?

What happened with the bathroom ceiling?

It came out.

No, don't worry, it didn't fall on my head. Thank god! But, our landlord did come by last Monday and "fix" the leak. By "fix the leak", I mean he pulled out a chunk of our ceiling and peeled back a bit more of the paint to let it all dry out. He moved all our toiletries about, stacked our trash cans (used to catch leaking water) inside one another like some kind of modern totem pole and placed mop and broom outside the apartment in the hallway. Our bathmat seems to have disappeared during the remodeling.

Funny thing is, our landlord (I'll rename him Mr. M. The "M" stands for "Mystery Man"), Mr. M did not leave a note behind, he didn't call us with an update, and in the end I called him on Tuesday night (leaving ample time for him to call me) to find out our status on the new sunroof he installed (destalled?).

We lived like this, the ceiling wide open wondering if the hippies were peering down upon us, for a full week. Mr. M wanted to be sure everything dried out completely and keep an eye out for any further leakage.

There was no further leakage. But I'm not so sure there wasn't any peakage. (Bu-dum-bump!)

We went to D.C. this last weekend, reporting to Mr. M that there were no further rain showers in our bathroom that we noticed. He swooped in (mystery man that he is) and completed the job and by Sunday night we had a mostly repaired ceiling. (No picture available.) By mostly, I mean that for some reason he didn't cover the whole ceiling and some of the ceiling still has remnants of yellowing coffee-like stains mixed in. I think Mr. M was going for the antique look.

Not that I'm complaining! I love antiques. And, it is also very good to have a dry roof over our heads again. Thank you, Mr. M.

Now, if only someone could tell me...where is our bathmat?

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