I'm a very honest person. Perhaps too honest...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

"I'm so lonely..."

Poor neglected, Blog.

Linda has been too busy (or too lazy) to keep up with you.

I bet you are lonesome over here. Or are you? Have people been stopping by to see you? and yet, you have nothing to say to them. I bet that is embarrassing.

Oh, pobresito, Blog. I'm so sorry to have let you down. After all this ambitious talk about not neglecting your readers...and here we go doing just that.

Well, maybe next year, things will be better.

The good news is...you have your health! You're still in tact!

Happy Holidays, Blog!

Friday, December 08, 2006


'Tis the Season for COLD. BRRRRR Brrrr...

Kids, I don't know if you've stepped outside today, but (I'm talking to the New Yorkers and North Easterners now) it is Fri-gid! Brr.

It's 23 degrees, and feels like 6 degrees!!!!!! (according to weather.com) AND, to top it off, it's windy as all get out!

In fact, as I was hurrying to work to get out of the cold, I actually got toppled forward by the wind! Talk about a mighty wind....

The good news is...if you want to get somewhere fast...get some wheels and get in front of that wind...cause you are going to fly! (Travelers going NW only, please.)


Monday, December 04, 2006

"Party Smart"!

Check it out...my friends Josh and Tamra have entered the Doritos Crash the Superbowl Contest! (You enter a 30 second commercial, the community votes, and if you win - your commercial gets aired during the Superbowl, you win tickets to the game, and you get some moolah!! And if any one deserves all that - it's these two cats - Josh and Tamra!)

Personal investment - I was assistant director on the "Ladies Night" video!!! yahoo!

Here is what Josh & Tamra have to say:

PLEASE VOTE and make your COMMENTS on our
(TWO) 30 second Commercials!!!TODAY!!!!

There are a couple of steps to registering on the site before you vote. No biggie.
Then Simply: Click the heart under our clip (love it), & make a comment.


2.) http://www.jumpcut.com/view?id=6392FF22835511DB9CDA5A856F9CC894&type=

The quality and sound are compressed on the site for some reason.
So ignore the medium quality of the commercial. The original
are hi-quality.

Thank you!!! WE LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!

Josh & Tamra

So what are you waiting for? GO VOTE!!! (Thanks. It means a lot to me.)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Today is the Day...

...My sister comes to town!

All I can say is that I'm very excited. Originally we weren't going to see one another for Thanksgiving or Christmas. But my sister is BRILLIANT and was able to schedule a business trip for Monday and fly in a few days before for some Family Fun Time!! She's bringing her son with her, too!!! Which is bonus fun times! My nephew is two and he's adorable and he's started talking but I haven't seen him in person since he really started talking..so I'm excited! (I'll call him "EJ".)

Plus, EJ likes LIONS! I love LIONS! EJ likes to ROAR like a lion! I LOVE EJ!

EJ left me the cutest message on my phone a few months ago. It was simply him roaring like a lion. But, man, is it ever a good solid Roar! I've been trying to figure out how to grab it off my phone and add an audio clip to my blog. I think the first step is to buy a connector cable for my phone to connect to my computer. And since I haven't begun to even look at what kind of cable I will need...I suppose I really haven't been "trying to figure out" anything. But in my head, I have made some noble efforts. In my head, once I get off my butt and teach myself some technology, it is going to be brilliant! Everyone will hear the wondrous EJ's ROOOAAAAR!

Oh, I'm can't wait until they get here!! *jumping up and down in anticipation*