Laila Rowe's $1.68
Perusing the sale merchandise at Laila Rowe on 5th Ave and 42nd Street during my lunch break on Tuesday, I observed a slim woman of about 50 years of age with a bob-cut of white-grey hair toting a small mop dog and going OUT OF HER MIND WITH ANGER.
She was IRATE and inconsolable over $1.68. I mean, she would NOT stop yelling for at least twenty minutes. The young cashiers just wanted her to hear their side of things. She wouldn't listen.
Her claim: She returned a gift from a friend worth $20.00 and bought a scarf for $25.00 and paid $5.42. And the cashier gypped her the refund of the tax on $20.00 which comes to $1.68. She believes she should have paid $3.74. The cashier owes her $1.68. Pay up!
My say: Ma'am, you're wrong. About the $1.68.
Let's review:
Say I paid $20.00 plus tax ($21.68) for your ring. I then give the ring to you as a gift. You return said ring to the store. The cashier refunds $21.68 to you. You then select a pretty scarf at the price of $25.00 (a $5.00 difference). You pay $27.10 (this includes tax) for your scarf. This is a grand total of $5.42 difference from the refund to the new purchase.
So...apparently you need to go back to 3rd grade. Because, say we do an "exchange" for your items. We charge you $25.00, with a deduction of $20.00 for the refunded item, which leaves you with a difference of $5.00 plus tax to pay. Um...that's a grand total of $5.42.
Maybe it IS rocket science. Maybe it is. But, really, Lady, I think you are an impatient, insensitive MORON. Go back to school and leave those poor young cashiers alone! They really don't want your $1.68.
But, while we're on the subject of being gypped...Could you please refund my twenty minutes of down-time that you stole from my lunch hour with your incessant hyper-screaming? 'Cause, well, nobody wants to be gypped out of twenty minutes.