I'm a very honest person. Perhaps too honest...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Laila Rowe's $1.68

Perusing the sale merchandise at Laila Rowe on 5th Ave and 42nd Street during my lunch break on Tuesday, I observed a slim woman of about 50 years of age with a bob-cut of white-grey hair toting a small mop dog and going OUT OF HER MIND WITH ANGER.

She was IRATE and inconsolable over $1.68. I mean, she would NOT stop yelling for at least twenty minutes. The young cashiers just wanted her to hear their side of things. She wouldn't listen.


Her claim: She returned a gift from a friend worth $20.00 and bought a scarf for $25.00 and paid $5.42. And the cashier gypped her the refund of the tax on $20.00 which comes to $1.68. She believes she should have paid $3.74. The cashier owes her $1.68. Pay up!


My say: Ma'am, you're wrong. About the $1.68.

Let's review:
Say I paid $20.00 plus tax ($21.68) for your ring. I then give the ring to you as a gift. You return said ring to the store. The cashier refunds $21.68 to you. You then select a pretty scarf at the price of $25.00 (a $5.00 difference). You pay $27.10 (this includes tax) for your scarf. This is a grand total of $5.42 difference from the refund to the new purchase.
So...apparently you need to go back to 3rd grade. Because, say we do an "exchange" for your items. We charge you $25.00, with a deduction of $20.00 for the refunded item, which leaves you with a difference of $5.00 plus tax to pay. Um...that's a grand total of $5.42.

Maybe it IS rocket science. Maybe it is. But, really, Lady, I think you are an impatient, insensitive MORON. Go back to school and leave those poor young cashiers alone! They really don't want your $1.68.

But, while we're on the subject of being gypped...Could you please refund my twenty minutes of down-time that you stole from my lunch hour with your incessant hyper-screaming? 'Cause, well, nobody wants to be gypped out of twenty minutes.


Maddy said...

I objected to your use of the term "gypped." My gypsy friends and I are highly offended.

Next time please say "No one wants to be JEWED out of $1.68/20 minutes."


Anonymous said...

Customer is always right - even when math (a perfect science) is involved. Let's just be glad it ain't our job.

Linda said...

The customer is always right. Unless the customer is a Gypsy. Or a Jew. Or the manager is out to lunch. In which case, the customer is always irate.

(This spic means no offense to any gypsy, jewish, managerial or irate persons. Unless you stole veinte minutos de mi hora de lunch!)