I'm a very honest person. Perhaps too honest...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Standing in the middle of The Yarn Connection, I called my friend Laura* at work.

She answers the phone in a very professional manner, "Good Afternoon, [Insert Company Name & Department Here]."

To which I reply, "God, sound a little happier."

We both start laughing a little at my sarcasm and friendly mean-ness and I ask, "What's your favorite color?"

To which she replies, "This isn't Laura. This is Leslie*"

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. I...I...was just joking. You didn't sound unhappy..."

Leslie: "Can I put you on hold a moment?"

My stunned utterance, "Yes." (Oops! What did I just do?!)

Leslie quickly returns to say, "Laura stepped out to lunch. But, my favorite color is red."

Me: "I..You...What I was saying...Joking with Laura....You didn't sound ... You sounded professio...I thought...[insert more rambling and sticking foot in mouth]"

This has been a story about how you should never assume that the person who's number you have dialed, is the person who will answer that phone. (Even if they do sound remarkably similar in the first two seconds of spiel and you aren't really paying too much attention anyway...since you are distracted by all the pretty yarn you are going to buy in order to knit your friend a scarf.)

Lesson learned. Now I must publish this blog and go start on that lovely red scarf...

*Names changed to protect the innocent.

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